This therapy does not usually involve physical touch or very little as the therapist works in the energy field around the client s body.
Energy field healing therapy.
Healing touch is based on the belief that human beings are fields of energy that are in constant interaction with others and the environment.
Energy field healing session.
Healing touch uses the gift of touch to influence the human energy system specifically the energy field that surrounds the body and the energy centers that control the flow from the energy field to the physical body.
This holistic approach is excellent for assisting in the healing process by unblocking our energy fields and helps to ward off future problems by identifying issues before they turn into pain in our physical body.
Healing touch is a biofield magnetic field around the body therapy that is an energy based approach to health and healing.
Energy medicine is a branch of alternative medicine based on a pseudo scientific belief that healers can channel healing energy into a patient and effect positive results.
Energy field healing is a unique and pioneering method of healing the body and mind that works with an energy field around the body called aura.
A session starts with a short conversation which helps focus healing.
It may also help treat certain conditions.
This field is a natural normally invisible to the naked eye an electro magnetic field around the physical body that constantly exchanges energy with the outside world.
Magnetic field therapy uses different kinds of magnets on the body to help boost your overall health.
There are several types including.
This method is based on the belief that human beings are fields of energy that are in constant interaction with others and the environment.
Healing touch is an energy therapy that uses gentle hand techniques thought to help re pattern the patient s energy field and accelerate healing of the body mind and spirit.
The client remains fully clothed throughout the session in a safe and calm environment.
Founded by registered nurse janet mentgen in 1989 healing touch is an energy therapy in which practitioners use their hands and intent to promote healing and health.